Leadership Continuum Workshops for 2024 are:
Leading Effective Meetings
January 24, 2024 8:30 am – noon
Have you ever walked out of a meeting and thought "that was a waste of an hour"?
Without a clear purpose, proper leadership, or organization, a lousy meeting can drag on forever.
This session of the Leadership Continuum, will provide you with the tools and skills to plan and run meetings that participants will be fully engaged. Topics for this session will include defining the meeting purpose and desired outcomes, constructing an efficient agenda, facilitating discussions, and ensuring everyone knows the action steps that will be taken as a result of the meeting. Sound like a better use of your time?
Upcoming Programs ~ details to be announced
Team Leadership
Effective team leadership is uniquely challenging and rewarding. Learn the keys to team effectiveness and the skills needed to excel in this leadership role.
Authentic Leadership
People are more willing to be led by individuals who are seen as genuine and “real.” Learn how having high standards of integrity, taking responsibility for your actions, and making decisions based on principle rather than short-term success are keys to authenticity.
Strategic Leadership
“Strategy” focuses on organizational vision, mission, goals, and plans. Being a strategic is about using vision to motivate employees, creating a sense of unity and direction in order to implement a successful strategy.
Organizational Change
Leading organizational change is a major challenge. Understanding and mastering the process of change will enable you to effectively deal with resistance, communication challenges, and the dynamics that can derail change efforts.
Leadership Ethics
Leaders have the opportunity to set an example and inspire others by modeling ethical behavior. Understanding the principles of ethical provides a basis for personal growth and the ethical development of others.